Youtuber Video Downloader project in python for beginner with source code



A Python YouTube video downloader is a program that allows you to download YouTube videos using the Python programming language. This documentation will guide you through the steps required to install and use a Python YouTube video downloader.


Step 1: Installing Required Libraries To begin, you need to install the required libraries for the Python YouTube video downloader. Run the following command to install the "pytube" library:

pip install pytube

Step 2: Importing Libraries After installing the required libraries, you need to import them into your Python script. Here is the code to import the "pytube" library:

from pytube import YouTube

Step 3: Running the Script Save the above code as a Python script and run it. The script will download the video and save it to the current directory.


In conclusion, a Python YouTube video downloader is a simple program that can be used to download YouTube videos using the Python programming language. By following the steps outlined in this documentation, you should now be able to install and use a Python YouTube video downloader to download your favorite videos from YouTube.

YouTube Video Downloader Source Code is here:


from tkinter import *
from pytube import YouTube

root = Tk()
#root.resizable(0, 0)
root.title("Youtube Video Downloader")  # Title of the program

Label(root, text='Youtube Video Downloader',
      font='arial 15 bold').pack()  # Title of the program

link = StringVar()  # Variable for save link of video
filename = StringVar()  # Variable for save link of video

Label(root, text='Paste Link Here:', font='arial 13 bold').place(x=160, y=40)
link_enter = Entry(root, width=45, textvariable=link).place(
    x=50, y=90)  # Input for add the link

def Download():  # Function for download video

    Label(root, text='Downloading', font='arial 13').place(x=180, y=210)

    url = YouTube(str(link.get()))

    video = url.streams.get_highest_resolution()

    Label(root, text='Downloaded', font='arial 15').place(x=180, y=210)

Button(root, text='Download', font='arial 15 bold',
       padx=2, command=Download).place(x=180, y=150)

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