Whatsapp_Bot Using Python
A Simple Bot made using Python to Send WhatsApp Message.
- How to create a WhatsApp bot using python?
- How to use pywhatkit to automat WhatsApp?
Step 1: Installing Required Libraries To begin, you need to install the required libraries for the Python Whatsapp_Bot. Run the following command to install the "pywhatkit" library:
pip install pywhatkit
Step 2: Importing Libraries After installing the required libraries, you need to import them into your Python script. Here is the code to import the "pywhatkit" and "datetime" library:
import pywhatkit
from datetiem import datetime
Step 3: Copy the following python code and save it "Whatsapp_Bot.py"
import pywhatkit
from datetime import datetime
PHONE_NUMBER = input("Enter Phone Number: ")
MESSAGE = input("Enter Message: ")
HR = int(input("Enter Hour: ")) # 24 Hour Format
MIN = int(input("Enter Minutes:"))
pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg(PHONE_NUMBER, MESSAGE, HR, MIN)
Step 4: Just open a terminal in the folder where your script is located and run the following command:
python Whatsapp_Bot.py